1 - Talks & Articles
Recorded talks and colloquia
Public talks and popular science articles
Public talk, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada: How to make Gold (by Daniel Siegel, Nov 2020)
Collapsar: les vrais créateurs de l’Univers (by Benoît Rey, Nov 2019)
Inside the Perimeter: A new spin on where gold comes from (by Erin Bow, May 2019)
Physics Viewpoint: Out of Neutron Star Rubble Comes Gold (by Stephan Rosswog, Dec 2017)
Verzögertes Nachglühen kollabierender Sternleichen (by Hermann-Michael Hahn, Feb 2015)
It ain’t magic: “time-reversal” in neutron star collisions (Jan 2015)
2 - Teaching
Computational Fluid Dynamics:
A graduate level course on numerical methods in hydrodynamics with aspects of astrophysically motivated systems, taught at the joint graduate school of the Universities of Guelph and Waterloo, as well as Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (by Daniel Siegel, Fall 2020)
- course material, including lecture notes, available on github
- the recorded lectures can be accessed through the Perimeter Institute Recorded Seminar Archive, PIRSA
Theoretical Concepts for Multimessenger Astronomy:
slides: kilonovae, gamma-ray burst afterglows, gamma-ray burst central engine
lecture notes: pdf version
the recorded lectures are publicly available on YouTube:
General Relativity:
A graduate level course on general relativity, taught at the joint graduate school of the Universities of Guelph and Waterloo, as well as Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (by Daniel Siegel, Fall 2019)
- lecture notes: pdf version
3 - Code and data resources
Much of our numerical infrastructure builds on the Einstein Toolkit, an open-source, community-driven software platform for computational tools to advance and support research in relativistic astrophysics and gravitational physics
Our code package GRMHD_con2prim for the recovery of primitive variables in general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamics with advanced microphysics, which was discussed in Siegel D.M., Mösta P., Desai D. & Wu S., 2018, Recovery schemes for primitive variables in general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamics [Astrophys. J. 859 71 (11pp)] [arxiv], can be downloaded from the following Zenodo repository:
A public data release and open-source analysis scripts associated with our paper Siegel D.M. & Agarwal A., Jennifer B., Metzger B.D., Renzo M., Villar V.A., “Super-Kilonovae” from Massive Collapsars as Signatures of Black-Hole Birth in the Pair-instability Mass Gap, [Astrophys. J.], accepted [arXiv], can be downloaded from the following Zenodo repository: